what does
Meraki mean
It originates from the Greek word {Mey-rah-kee} which means to do
something with soul, creativity, or love. To put something of yourself
into your work. This is the foundation on which Meraki was found.
The founder, Emogene Botha, is a qualified Chartered Accountant. She
finished her qualification in Ireland through ACCA as she felt this was
the journey God led her on.
She has over 9 years of experience in the field, which includes experience
in Ireland. Her journey led her back to Pretoria where she felt she could
fulfill her life-long dream: starting her own company to help build
God’s Kingdom.
our services.
our goal.
Our goal at Meraki is to provide a trustworthy
and reliable service to our clients. We aim to
achieve this through building relationships,
continuously improving our knowledge and
skills, and sharing this with our clients because
knowledge is power.